Who is LinoXRen? [Artist Interview]
LinoXren is a French-American rapper who moved from his home country to chase his dreams in the city of angels. He blends many different beats and styles into his music, yet still has a central feel. He recently dropped his debut album, “Fairchild’s Tastes”, which he describes as “musical fast food”, each track being a different dish on the menu.
Check out my interview with LinoXRen below.
How has being native to France influenced your style of music?
I initially didn’t want people to know I was French and didn’t realize the advantages it offers in terms of influence, originality, and creativity. I’ve always been interested in US culture and wanted to convey it through my songs. Today, I take advantage of this opportunity, which has become my trademark: “FRENCH BOY FROM LA.” A year ago, I wanted to lose my French identity, but today I embrace being a unique blend of both cultures.
“Fairchild’s Tastes” has many different styles in each song. Which style is your favorite to produce?
My favorite songs to produce were ‘Levit Up’ and ‘Fade’ because I really appreciate their cinematic mood. Working on them pushed me to adopt a diAerent approach, use various plugins, and evolve personally. Finishing these tracks felt like a true accomplishment.
What was your biggest adjustment when coming to America?
I had two main differences to deal with: communication and lifestyle. I love my French side, but although I want to benefit from it, I can’t keep the French accent. I struggled to lose it, but with perseverance, I did it! Americans use way more exaggeration, they complement easily to approach people which I was not used to in France. As for the lifestyle, people here are chill, relaxed, and more open to conversation, I love it!

If you could give a potential fan three songs to hook them on your music, what would they be and why?
I would suggest ‘Night Flyer’ for its melodic aspect, ‘6AM’ for the powerful vocals and the crescendo, and ‘Fade,’ which is an artistic masterpiece, unique in its creation.
What is the story behind the “Fairchild’s Tastes” album cover?
The album cover went through many changes, with several versions and plenty of challenges along the way. The main goal was to convey a fast-food vibe and reflect American culture. Album covers have always been difficult for me; I find it hard to project myself onto them. To be honest, for this one, I just had to pick one and move on!

What does the name LinoXren represent?
« Lino » comes from Merlino, my family name. Family is essential to me, and they’ve always been my biggest support in both music and life. ‘Ren’ is short for Lorenzo, my first name. The ‘X’ represents the rapper XXXTentacion, who has been a source of inspiration and motivation for me. I started singing because of him, and I want to carry on his legacy.
I love the beat and vibe on “Too Far to Be Found.” What does this song represent?
This song represents the idea that we are all alone when we die. It focuses on people that cannot handle being on their own and the harmful impact loneliness has on them. I believe it’s a human characteristic, but some are more impacted than other. To feel the song more deeply, I suggest listening to it while lying down with your eyes closed. And for the record, I don’t smoke when I make music.
What in the near future are you most excited about in your music career? Any
upcoming projects we can look forward to?
I’ve recorded a new album that I’m really excited about. While it’s still rap/hip-hop, we decided to move away from the classic Trap elements to innovate with a style more oriented toward dark pop-rock, with more instruments and rhythm. The lyrics are more engaged, addressing issues like inequality, women using their bodies to manipulate men, and the harmful impact of social networks on Generation Z