Who Is DotWav? [Artist Interview]
DotWav is a Hip-Hop supergroup out of Las Vegas, Nevada united under island roots, Asian heritage, and a love for music. The group is made up of eight talented members: Creed Chameleon, Bxmbz, Kenn Francis, Alika Manuel, Benny Digital, Paradigm, MaddMatt, and Jojo Flow, each with a skillset that complements the rest of the group and aligns with their mission of putting their personal stamp on Hip-Hop music. They’ve been making a lot of noise in the music scene with their unapologetic and versatile style and their consistent hustle to make sure the world knows it’s their time and that the wave is coming. I got the chance to sit down with member Creed Chameleon to talk about their origins and why they’re a group to watch out for. Check out the conversation below:
DotWav, why the name? What does it mean?
In music, WAV files are the highest quality to compress in and usually is the standard for radio play and music distribution. We as DOTWAV bring the highest quality in our music and whatever art we do. Whether its photography, video, or fashion, we always want to showcase it as top tier form. What it also means, being the fact we all have island ties (Asian and Pacific Islanders), the WAV “wave” represents the fluidity on how we move and how we ride together as one current.

We’ve seen the days of when music groups formed and flamed out. What makes you guys different to overcome past struggles of music groups in the past?
I think the biggest thing is that the majority of us are humbled and show support for one another, therefore, the flame or fire in us doesn’t stop. Yeah, there are times when one of us is down, but as brothers and family, we help carry them along the ride. We all move like waves in the ocean.
Love how the culture ties of the group is what brought the group together and you guys represent that culture well. Have you guys thought about how you guys plan to further impact the culture you guys came from? Whether it’s for the culture of Hawaii, Filipino, or Asian American?
I think we want to show all generations in our culture that when we all unify as one, we can attain anything and everything. It’s all about moving as one unit and pushing each other to be their very best. Also, showing love to other aspiring artists that want to do what we do and show that it is possible.

Your first self-titled album showed DotWav’s diversity in sound and style. How does this 2nd album compare to the first in your opinion?
The first album or mixtape was just a showcase on what we all can do in different styles of music, whether its Hip-Hop, R&B, etc. For the 2nd album, Meanwhile in LA, we had a focal point on what the album was going to entail which was all inspired by our trip in Los Angeles. The new album showcased how we have all grown collectively as one unit on an album and kept the theme focused throughout the whole project.
I’m sure the group’s members all have different styles and approaches when it comes to music, how do you guys compromise when it comes to making music as a group?
I think it’s all about group preference and what fits well on certain tracks or beats. Don’t get me wrong, we all want to jump in on every track, but I think we all have a common ground now on who should jump on what, and go from there.
You guys are definitely making noise and planting your flag out in Vegas currently, but if a tour were to happen in the near future, what cities would DotWav put on that tour route?
We would love to tour everywhere!!! LOL. But for real though, we would love to hit cities that have vast communities of AAPI’s (Asian American Pacific Islanders) such as the Bay Area, Seattle, New York, Austin, etc. On an international trip, would love to rock out in the Philippines, Japan, Canada, and even Europe!

Music is constantly flowing out of you guys to where you guys aren’t stopping anytime soon. With that said, what can we expect to come from DotWav next?
We all have individual and group projects all laid out for this year. A lot of music videos off our two albums we released this year. Expect a whole lot of releases in the month of May for AAPI month. Also, some shows in Hawaii, Big Bear, and hopefully in LA again to rock out with Traklife!
Big shoutout to Creed on the conversation and much respect to DotWav in being unapologetic on their representation of their roots and heritage as they spread their message and music across the music hemisphere. It’s come full circle and it looks like it’s about time that music groups found its way back. DotWav is taking their shot and finding success thus far. If DotWav’s story speaks to you and you want to learn more follow them at @dotwav.official on instagram and be sure to stream their music available on all streaming platforms.