Professional Membership



add your services to
our industry directory

For opportunities to gain leads & build your network.

Be part of a growing list of Industry contacts for artists to discover when growing their careers.  Whether you’re a studio, engineer, copywriter, or creative, let the music community find you and your services.


From apparel to event tickets to content services

Whether you’re looking to build up your personal brand with media or simply represent the Traklife movement by rocking our merch, as a member, you get priority.

access to all community events & private community platform

Your network is your Net-Worth. expand yours with us.

All memberships get exclusive access to the Traklife Community of Music Professionals, Creatives, and Artists. Collaborate, build, and share on Traklife. 

*Bonus - industry INTERview highlight

Interview feature on & Traklife Social Channels

All our members gets highlighted and featured to thousands of music fans on our website and social channels for additional exposure in an in-depth interview article with one of our Traklife journalists.

coming soon:

Industry Profiles

All your Professional brand content in one place

A central place where fans, followers, and peers can discover your story, personality, and skillset to market your brand and service as an industry professional. 

Save on the cost of booking a film production studio

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